Top 7 Reasons You Should Study Yoga Philosophy
It seems like people who “do yoga” fall into two categories. Some folks do some poses as a part of their week and then get on with their lives. But others really seem to “live” it.
What’s the difference? My guess is that the ones who are “living it” have studied the philosophy behind the physical practice.
We have a woman VP, What Else is Possible?
If no one had believed it was possible to have Kamala Harris as Vice President, it would never have happened. One thing her appointment can teach us is to be open to possibilities.
How to work with your Word of the Year
You’ve picked your Word of the Year. You reflected and journaled. You even made a sweet new vision board that features your word front and center. You’ve thought about it once or twice since New Year’s Day. So, now what?
Peace in the Unknown
In the midst of chaos, frustration, blatant misuse of power, and unbelievable events we can choose to turn to our yoga.
Reflection Questions for the End of the Year
As we come to the end of 2020 I offer this list of questions as a prompt for reflection. My recommendation is that you carve out a few quiet minutes with your journal and pen to work with the questions as a kind of end of year meditation.
What the end of Autumn can teach Yogis
The end of Autumn offers powerful lessons on letting go and the spiritual path
But I'm just not Inspired....
It would be great if inspiration were reliable and on-demand like Netflix. So what do you do when you’re not feeling inspired?
What to do with Thanksgiving 2020
As long as you’re stirred up and running away from your feelings, you won’t feel peaceful. But lingering in the pause, allowing yourself to feel and acknowledge whatever arises may be just thing to help you open up. When you’re open, gratitude will naturally flow.
Hers is Better than Mine - Dealing with Comparison
You’re super proud of your recent work — until you see somebody else doing the same thing. Now comparison is dragging you down. What can you do about it?
When Self-Doubt Comes up
Whenever you step out of your comfort zone self-doubt will come up to try to get you back into it. What can you do to get around self-doubt so that you can step more fully into your dharma?
In Uncertain Times
In moments of uncertainty and disturbance, the greatest thing you can do for yourself is to be as conscious and present as possible in this moment.
Stay Present through the Election
Negative emotions like fear, stress, anger and hopelessness come from mental contraction and unconsciousness.You will get stuck in unconsciousness, unless you actively choose to become more conscious. The good news is you can choose to be more conscious. And, it’s easier than you think.
Turn Your Magic On
Your magic isn’t something you DO. It’s something you embody. It’s that naturally expanded version of you that makes the world better without even trying.
Quiet your Inner Critic
You’re not the only one who feels deflated at the end of a creative project. That’s because a lot of us have a strong inner critic telling us how much our projects suck. The good news is there’s a way to get your inner critic to quiet down.
Failure is an Option
Maybe the reason you’re not starting on your next creative project is that you’re worried you might fail. Read on to see if that’s actually a good reason to stop yourself.
YES! Your Creativity is Important Right Now
With so much going on in the world right now it’s easy to think that creativity is frivolous and unimportant. In reality your creativity is building a buffer zone, getting you into a flow state, helping your process, and empowering you as a creator.
Yoga & Creativity: A Brief Discussion
When your mind is constantly worrying and your body is in pain it’s hard for you to be creative. The contraction inside is so strong that creativity is squeezed away. Yoga can help….
Is Your Creativity Last on Your To-Do List?
Your creative time is not a treat that you have to earn. Your creativity is essential to your consciousness and joy. It’s time to move it up your to-do list.
Everything Runs Together and What to Do About It
School, work, parenting, and living are all happening at once and in the same place. It feels messy. Life feels like a big run on sentence. Living this way is disorienting (what day is it again?) and stressful. So what can you do to help?