A Word for the Year
Have you seen the cartoon of folks standing at the door to 2022? They’re not actually standing at the door, they’re standing well back from it, timidly using a stick to slowly press it open. Given the last two years I understand their trepidation. What else can life have up it’s sleeve?
Normally, this time of year brings talk about resolutions, those grand plans we set for ourselves when we’re filled with hope and ready to level-up for the new year. We plan to change our lives, change ourselves. And, as the old story goes, a week goes by and the resolution is forgotten. We’re the same people we’ve always been.
But this year is not normal, and resolutions don’t work so well anyways. That’s why I prefer to choose a word of the year instead of making a resolution. Choosing a word is like setting an intention. It’s a guiding idea that points you in a specific direction. Over the course of the year, you do your best to live up to the word you’ve chosen. There will be ups and downs with embodying it, but it doesn’t have to be thrown out if there are bumps in the road. And because of that, a word is easier to stick with than a resolution.
How to Choos
To choose your word, take some quiet time to yourself and contemplate what came through for you in the last year. Consider your biggest experiences. Then remember what you learned from them. With a clearer picture of last year, it’s easier to choose a word that is relevant for the next cycle.
Knowing what you know from last year I recommend answering one of two questions with your word: What’s still needed? or What does my soul crave?
What’s still needed? Notice what feels unfinished, incomplete, or just plain messy. I’m not talking about home or work projects, I’m talking about your inner life. Things that might come up are: how you’ve been treating your employees, or the way you express your love for your partner. Your word could come in the form of the way you’d like to complete or clean up the way you’ve been being in a relationship.
Example: if you’ve been speaking harshly with your employees, your word could be; KINDNESS. Your task will be to spend the year speaking kindly with them even when it’s really hard.
That’s one way of doing things, look for what’s still needed. But, after this last year, you may need a break from pushing yourself to be better. So instead of looking for unfinished business another option is to consider this:
What does my soul crave? Notice what’s missing on a soul-level. Not what kind of car you want or the business success you’re wishing for. Consider what your soul craves. What is it longing for? Thing like rest, nourishment, excitement, or passion might come to mind. Choose a word that feeds your soul this year.
Example: If you’ve been working yourself to the bone, your word could be: PLAY. You’ll spend the year finding ways to sneak play into your life.
There are millions of ways to choose your word. If these questions don’t inspire you, find another way and run with it. I’m more interested in you finding a word that works for you, than in how you get there.
Claim your Word
Choose a word that’s simple. It doesn’t need explanation. Choose a word that lights you up. It excites and inspires you. A really great word might even scare you a little and that’s ok as long as it’s excited/scared - not so terrified that you run away from it.
Once you’ve chosen your word, CLAIM IT! Tell your friends and family. Share it on social media. Make it the lock screen on your phone. Create a vision board with your word as the theme. Make a sticky note for your fridge or bathroom mirror. Put it into your world where you’ll see it, remember it, and most importantly FEEL it. Because as great as it feels to choose your word, the most important thing is that it comes to life for you this year.
Bringing your word to life in your life is your task for the next year, and it’s a great one. No matter what this year brings you I hope that your word inspires you to embody your most authentic self. May you meet the year with the truth of who you are and stand boldly in your own light.
Feeling stuck on your word? Send me a message and let’s see if we can figure it out together.
Wondering how to work with your word? Check out this post for some suggestions for bringing it to life.