The Path isn't always Straight
{Photo by Fabrício Severo on Unsplash}
“What was that curve there?” “How does it feel to walk that twisted part?” “Wow, that’s a big hill to climb” These are some of the things I said to my dance/movement therapy patients when I worked in mental health.
Occasionally, a patient would struggle to see a bigger picture of themself. That’s when I’d help them re-walk the path of their life. The patient would take a large piece of paper and use a marker to draw a single line to represent their life. Holding the paper as if it were a map, they’d walk the path. Along the way the patient would experience a wide range of emotions… and usually come away with a lot of insight that supported them on their healing journey.
In all my years of doing this exercise with many different folks one thing never happened: no one ever drew a straight line. Everyone’s path had ups and downs. Everyone’s path included twist-backs and surprise turns. No one’s path was predictable. And everyone had to contend with their own challenges.
I hope this doesn’t surprise you. You know that life is rarely uncomplicated.
And yet, on the path to the authentic life, many of us expect a straight line. We realize that we want to be living in alignment with our hearts, make the decision to do it, and then expect the rest of the world to bend in our direction. We expect that with that decision all of our habitually misaligned patterns will kindly step aside and allow us to move in the world in this new, more connected way.
When things don’t happen so easily, we stop. We think there’s something wrong with the plan, we worry we’ve gotten misaligned. And once again, the authentic life slips from view.
In Sharon Blackie’s book If Women Rose Rooted she shares an image of one’s life path being a labyrinth rather than a straight line. In the labyrinth of life there are periods of moving out into the world, doing one’s work, engaging in community. These outward turning times sometimes include losing connection with one’s center (though not always). There are other times when one is closer in, moving into the internal space, returning to what’s most important and allowing all else to drop away. These inward turning times may include solitude, relationships may be neglected (though not always).
The image of life’s journey as a labyrinth is especially supportive for women who’s cyclical patterns invite periods of turning towards the world and turning inwards with regularity.
If we wish to bring forth the authentic life, we would do well to remember this image. Rather than demanding that all change happen instantaneously, we can recall that we are in a process; one that is moving us closer or further from center every day. That means we can make choices that align with the authentic life that is calling us or choices that misalign with it. Those that move us closer to the authentic life are like walking closer into the center of the labyrinth. Those that move us away from authenticity are like moving out from the center of the labyrinth. Remembering that we are in process and may find ourselves way far from center can soften the blow when we wake up and realize we’ve moved far from the authentic life. Instead of beating ourselves up for losing the thread, we simply turn and follow it back to the middle again.
To walk your personal labyrinth
Gather supplies - you’ll need a large piece of paper and a marker, space where you can walk
Draw the path of your life using a single line. Include all your major life events. Illustrate the ups, downs, twists, and turns as you go. Notice times when you felt closer to the authentic life, and times when you felt further away.
Holding the paper in your hand as if it is a map, walk the labyrinth of your life.
Stop when you feel called to
When you’re finished journal or chat with a friend about what you noticed.
Is there an insight that helps you move closer to the authentic life? if so, write down one tiny step you could take in the next day that helps you transform the insight into experience.
Labyrinth walking invites us into periods of contemplation and periods of movement. It invites us to recognize that embodying the authentic life is an ever-evolving process, not a static destination. It is a walk that deserves our care, consciousness, and profound compassion as we awaken to misalignments again and again.
Through viewing life as a labyrinth we are reminded of the artful nature of being embodied. As with any art, embodiment takes both skill and willingness to open to the mystery. As we integrate the cyclical nature of turning outwards and turning inwards we move closer to the Heart which is the hub of the authentic life. In the Heart center we find peace, ease, and freedom. In the Heart we reconnect with the Love that is the core essence of everything.