Summer Short: Belonging

This summer I’m slowing the blog down a bit. But to tide you over until fall I’m dropping in with short thoughts like this one every once in a while… Enjoy!

For the longest time in my spiritual/yoga life I had a huge heartache. My heart would feel heavy and full at the same time. Eventually I came to call that feeling: Longing. It was a longing in my Heart.

First I thought the longing was for my teachers. I missed them deeply when I was apart from them and from the larger yoga community.

And, at first I tried to push it away. I thought I needed to always be light-heartedly seeking joy and freedom. Finally I woke up to the realization that longing itself is a spiritual path.

I wasn’t longing for my teachers or even the community, I was longing for the Great Heart itself. Longing for Shakti-Ma.


Which brings me to the topic of Belonging. Or, in this case, let’s call it Be Longing. There is a path where you let yourself become, or embody Longing. Each of us can use our longing to re-enter the Heart.

This works because -

In the Tantric view you are the embodiment of the Goddess’s longing to know herself. You are the embodiment of her longing.

As such you’re here because she wants you here. You are are ENOUGH exactly as you are. You are worthy, you are perfection, you are fullness. All of it… you are it.

So she implores us to BE that longing. To embody yourself fully.

When you feel personal longing let it remind you that you are enough. Let longing call you back into your Heart, back to the Goddess, to the Srī - auspicious beauty that this world is built upon.

Be. Longing.


How to Know When to Let a Habit Go


Summer Shift