Restoration isn't just about taking Naps
Restoration includes those activities that bring you into a space of joy and delight just by doing them.
In Praise of Simple
To be in Nothing Extra mode means no elaborate meals with long cooking times, no over thinking, no obsessing over trivial details, no cute, clever yoga sequences. Nothing Extra means get to the point, get the job done and get it done with clarity and precision.
Start with Intention
Goal is about accomplishment, meeting expectations or achieving something. Intention has more to do with the HOW I will meet my goals, and WHO I will be during that process.
On Self-Compassion
Have you ever focused on that one tiny negative thing in the sea of positives? Or have you ever been struggling and then gone the extra mile to add in self judgement? If so, then you exactly how I felt.
Are you Blocking your Blessings?
The workings of the Universe seems mysterious... I advocate removing as many blocks as you can within yourself and seeing what happens. I encourage you to shift your perspective on your so-called problems.
Listen up!
Here is someone that I value very much in my life. Someone I want to continue to get to know and to have know me. And how do I show him that I value what he has to say? I talk over him every time he opens his mouth. Gee Wiz girl. I'm pretty embarrassed.
Shining Bright
I spent the last week in New England as an apprentice in the 200-hr Ashaya Yoga Teacher Training run by my longtime teacher, Todd Norian. I want to end at that sentence because it made my heart, mind, body and spirit so incredibly happy and peaceful to be there, that's all I really have to say.
Only, actually there is more.