Alignment is Everything
(Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash)
Apparently a yoga teacher friend called me “The Alignment Guru of Richmond” in her class the other day. I wasn’t there, but I giggled when I heard. I’m not into being anybody’s “guru”. Goddess knows I’m just muddling through like everyone else. But it feels good to be known for alignment.
My yoga teaching has revolved around alignment for more than a decade. That’s because I’ve witnessed again and again how it helps people out of pain and into poses they never thought they could attempt.
Sometimes alignment gets a bad rap. The critique is that it’s about imposing impossible standards on individual bodies. But I don’t see it that way.
Why Align
In my opinion, an emphasis on alignment isn’t about perfection or rigidity. It’s not about imposing on your body, mind, or heart. No. Frankly, those ideas are boring and outdated.
What’s more interesting is seeing alignment as being in service of the movement of vital energy. In my opinion, alignment is about exploring a reciprocal relationship with Shakti - the creative energy of the Universe. And it’s about establishing optimal conditions for that relationship to flourish. On your mat. Off your mat.
A Challenge of Alignment
It’s the “off your mat” part that’s getting hard right now.
We’re facing a challenge of alignment these days. We’re asked to make big choices around who and what we align with. If we’re not intentional, we’ll easily get swept into contagious energies. Then we’ll wonder why we’re feeling so crappy - so off course.
The thing is:
Alignment is all about attention and energy.
Choosing your Alignment
Today, like every day, you have a choice of where you’re putting yours.
You could align with fear; your own, others’. There’s plenty of it to go around. We’re even witnessing fear turning outwards and becoming aggression. You could align there.
Or, you could align with something else: Your Values.
Do you know what they are? Do you know what you value most highly in this world where you can choose to value anything? If not, start there.
Aligned with your Values
If you know your values, then the question becomes how to stand in them. And if you’ve been caught up in others’ ideas, your work is to turn back towards your own values. And to continuously choose to live in alignment with them.
I believe aligning with your values can be simple. For example, one of my values is Relationship. Last week a few women came over and we to sat in sacred fire circle. Through meaningful conversation and a shared meal we tightened our relationships. It was simple.
And sometimes, living in alignment isn’t so simple. Sometimes your values require big choices or huge sacrifices. Sometimes aligning with them creates un-mendable rips in relationships. I don’t suggest taking any of this lightly or that there aren’t consequences.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
I just think it’s worth it. Just like on the mat, I’ve witnessed clients free themselves from unnecessary suffering by aligning with their values. I’ve seen them take risks and reap rewards they never thought possible.
What I think my clients would tell you is that it’s the living in alignment day after day that makes a huge difference. Aligning isn’t a single choice. Just like in a yoga class we choose to align again and again.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Feeling & Aligning
These days are asking a lot of us. I know many many folks are in the grips of fear, anger, and grief. To whatever you’re feeling, I bow. I honor the intelligence and truth that resides within your very real feelings. I encourage you to feel all of what needs to be felt.
AND then I encourage you to go deeper. Remember what is most important. Remember what you most VALUE and turn towards that. Make big moves where you can, make small ones where you can. Just keep turning towards the way Shakti wants to move through you.
We don’t know what the future holds. But I when I’m aligned with my values I feel hopeful and resilient enough to meet it. I sincerely believe you will too.
An Invitation to Align with the Seasons
The natural world slows and quiets during the winter months. But humans make December the busiest month of the year. No wonder we’re exhausted when the New Year comes around.
This December I’m offering RESTORATIVE YOGA every Monday night on Zoom. It’s your invitation to move with the rhythm of the season.
Slow Down - Get Quiet - Rest. Find out more HERE