Plan Your Way Back to Life

This spring we’re exploring the change process through an ongoing series of posts.  This week I share what happens as dreams of a new way start to take hold. We’re still in the second phase of change.

A dream will eventually make itself into a bit of a nuisance.  Annoyingly, you don’t get to decide which one does this, or when.  But it’ll start pestering.  Pecking around your edges.   Waking you up at night.  Nighttime dreams include voyages, caves and gardens filled with secret blooming things.

A dream will eventually insist on your recognition.  And when it does, give yourself over and start plotting your return.

You won’t come out of change the way you got in.  You’ll need a new pathway out. So, when the dream won’t leave you alone and you’re just as committed to it. It’s time to start making your plans.

Where does the dream begin?
What step is needed - and then - and then…? 

How much of the path can you see?
What would help you see more?

Your plans

This is not the moment to set off wildly in any direction.  This is the time to consider the terrain, plan for the perils, gather your resources, and find your supports.

Plans don’t have to be perfect. Start with a rough outline. Start slowly conversing with your dream as if it could become something one day. Make some simple notes of what it might look or feel like. Tell someone about it. Tell someone else. Your dream likes having your attention, even if the way you think you’ll get to it doesn’t pan out.

Consider in the beginning what may help you…

A light could help - experts who’ve been where you are and have done what you want to do.  They may even be able to hand you your own map and torch to guide your way.

Traveling companions may be a welcome part of the plan too. And, what else? What will get you all the way up and out, and not leave you lost.


Because here’s what happens to most folks who try to come back. As the shock of change diminishes one tries to leave the cocoon with no dream, no plan, no guide.  One ends up lost.  Wandering again.  Not in so much pain, but also not encouraged.  Or one tries to climb back into the previous skin - it doesn’t fit anymore but who cares?  It’s familiar and so one does all they can to return to it.  Unfortunately, it simply doesn’t work anymore.

The Possibility of Rebirth

This moment of preparing to quest for the dream makes all the difference in how this change will change you.   Will you become lost in the woods or will you grow into the next version of yourself?  You’ve heard this fail to plan means you plan to fail. Do not fail yourself.

Allow your dream and your plans to take you all the way to your re-birth.  


Struggle: the Third Phase of Change


Dream: The Second Phase of Change