Structure your day the Natural Way
It’s not your fault you can’t turn your home into a school or office. Your biology is working against you. Instead, try working with the rhythms of nature. (Downloadable .pdf included!)
Yogic Adaptability
We are entering the days of long nights. The times of children home from school and families drawn together.
{Nature Reflection} The Ants Go Marching
Sometimes the work is in the consistent tiny efforts -- that even those tiny little efforts build up into something more.
{Poem} Questions and Answers
How can we have the question if there is too much noise to hear it?
How can we hear anything if we never become Quiet?
Sound of Silence
Your path to quiet may be meditation. It could be painting. It could be dancing. Your path to quiet could be sitting under a tree, or by a river, or the ocean. It might be cooking or cleaning or folding the laundry. Your path to quiet is your own.