The Myth that Keeps You Closed Off
You were born wide open to this new world. You came in ready to love and be loved. So why do you get lonely and feel so disconnected all the time? My guess is you’re believing the greatest myth ever told….
Turn Your Magic On
Your magic isn’t something you DO. It’s something you embody. It’s that naturally expanded version of you that makes the world better without even trying.
Everything Runs Together and What to Do About It
School, work, parenting, and living are all happening at once and in the same place. It feels messy. Life feels like a big run on sentence. Living this way is disorienting (what day is it again?) and stressful. So what can you do to help?
The only "right" way, is YOUR way
The point is, nobody knows your style, your nuance, your way of doing things better than you do. So, you don’t have to look to everyone else to tell you how to do things. Look inside, you can trust yourself.
What I mean when I say "Your Heart"
When I talk about “your Heart” I mean the part of you that is deepest and most true. There are so many ways to talk about it…. read on..
The personal Mantra that carries me through my toughest times
The moment when Love your way through came to me, it created a profound shift in my life. Instead of using fighting, struggling, or force to get through my life - I learned I could use Love as the starting point.
What support do you need?
What is the support that you need in order to show up in the way you want to show up for your life?
I went Looking for Love
Part of what feels so good about being loved is that the other is Deeply Affirming you. YOU, yes, YOU
Not the Heart Opening I Wish For
My grandmother died a few weeks ago. She was 99 years old. For most of her life, she was filled with such a dynamic vitality and heartfelt joy for living that it seemed like she might just live forever.
Learning To Believe in Love
To truly live from the heart, we must engage the great work of learning to BELIEVE people when they genuinely express Love.
On Abundance
To recognize abundance is to know it as a flow, an experience, and energetic signature - not a number on a bank account. Anyone can experience the flow of abundance at any moment.
Ashaya Yoga®: Awaken your Heart
An awakened heart is one that lives and breathes. To awaken your heart means that you can connect with a stream of wisdom that resides inside of you.
Listen to Your Heart
In the Bhagavad Gita, we’re taught that of all the paths, the Heart is the highest. This teaching is a permission slip to do as Rumi says, "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
End of year Reflections
Upon reflection: Why was I given this year?
How do I want to begin the next one?
Perfectly Imperfect -- The Truth of Who We Are
The trouble comes when we think the imperfections are imperfect and disallowed.
Ashaya Yoga®: It's not about the Poses - It's about the Heart
In Ashaya Yoga® we are consistently turning towards the Heart as a guide. Your Heart is a safe haven.
A feeling of Completeness
What I'm noticing as one of the most remarkable feelings I'm having leaving this program is a feeling of completeness.
"Donald Trump has won the Presidency"
A blow by blow journal of election day and after....
Shakti Loves Chocolate
But the reality is that this is one of the ways Shakti has of helping us to Open. And goodness knows, this is way more enjoyable than grief and anger. I mean, if opening can come with pleasure, joy and delight, I will take that any day.