The only "right" way, is YOUR way
The point is, nobody knows your style, your nuance, your way of doing things better than you do. So, you don’t have to look to everyone else to tell you how to do things. Look inside, you can trust yourself.
Learning To Believe in Love
To truly live from the heart, we must engage the great work of learning to BELIEVE people when they genuinely express Love.
True Connection
True connection includes actual realtime interaction - hearing people breathe, listening to their words, feeling their energy.
Ashaya Yoga®: It's not about the Poses - It's about the Heart
In Ashaya Yoga® we are consistently turning towards the Heart as a guide. Your Heart is a safe haven.
A lasting impression
What is the lasting impression you want to leave on your students?
Yesterday, after 9.5 years, I taught my last class at a studio in town. I wanted to leave the students with a teaching that would serve them for years to come. And so I left with this: