A Simple Path to Wholeness
Wholeness isn't separating out all of the parts of ourselves into tiny individual packages. Wholeness is weaving all the parts back together into meaningful relationship. Wholeness is who we are at the deepest level.
Engage the Chaos
Life is chaos! There is so much chaos and so much beauty in real life. There is so much chaos and beauty in being human. It is not your job to fix the chaos.
Ashaya Yoga®: It's not about the Poses - It's about the Heart
In Ashaya Yoga® we are consistently turning towards the Heart as a guide. Your Heart is a safe haven.
A Very Tiny Boat
It is like being a very small boat out on a wide deep ocean. Like I am this tiny thing trying to navigate the vastness of the ocean of love and healing that I do know is available and is real and is just beneath me, waiting, waiting. It keeps trying to pierce the shell around my heart.
I felt a Pop
Exhale, Exhale , deeper and deeper... Then a Pop! Did I hear that or feel it or just imagine it?
Shining Bright
I spent the last week in New England as an apprentice in the 200-hr Ashaya Yoga Teacher Training run by my longtime teacher, Todd Norian. I want to end at that sentence because it made my heart, mind, body and spirit so incredibly happy and peaceful to be there, that's all I really have to say.
Only, actually there is more.