It's Always Time to Celebrate
Celebration can be extremely elaborate or exceedingly simple. The important thing is that it takes you out of the mundane into a more expansive mental and emotional space.
In Praise of Simple
To be in Nothing Extra mode means no elaborate meals with long cooking times, no over thinking, no obsessing over trivial details, no cute, clever yoga sequences. Nothing Extra means get to the point, get the job done and get it done with clarity and precision.
Listen to Your Heart
In the Bhagavad Gita, we’re taught that of all the paths, the Heart is the highest. This teaching is a permission slip to do as Rumi says, "Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”
A Simple Path to Wholeness
Wholeness isn't separating out all of the parts of ourselves into tiny individual packages. Wholeness is weaving all the parts back together into meaningful relationship. Wholeness is who we are at the deepest level.
Finding Balance in the Dance of Life
Is it really possible that more ease and balance could come from just paying attention to how I am feeding my body, mind, and Heart? It seems too simple.
Start with Intention
Goal is about accomplishment, meeting expectations or achieving something. Intention has more to do with the HOW I will meet my goals, and WHO I will be during that process.
End of year Reflections
Upon reflection: Why was I given this year?
How do I want to begin the next one?
Reclaiming Rest
It takes a conscious choice to reclaim rest as a part of your life but it is so worth it. Rest refuels your mind, body, and heart and lets you come out of overdrive. When you're not in overdrive, your natural curiosity and creativity flow. In overdrive, those things are shut down by your mind's need to control or "get things done."
Engage the Chaos
Life is chaos! There is so much chaos and so much beauty in real life. There is so much chaos and beauty in being human. It is not your job to fix the chaos.
Cleaning up as Self Care
I've learned through yoga and coaching that when these callings come, it is best to follow them. And that if you do, they usually have something to teach you.
Perfectly Imperfect -- The Truth of Who We Are
The trouble comes when we think the imperfections are imperfect and disallowed.
Personal Training and Life Coaching... Pretty similar
A PT takes a generally healthy body and makes it even healthier. A Life Coach takes a generally mentally and emotionally healthy person and helps her move more and more towards optimal living
Bookends: Setting up the Day to go Your way
Interestingly, being out has not been as challenging for me as I thought it would be because of how I bookended my days. All summer long I have been incredibly consistent in two things...
{Guest Post} The Greatest Gift My Parents Gave Me by Naomi Gottlieb-Miller
Naomi shares what her parents taught her about self-care that helps her keep with it as a mama to two young children.
A lasting impression
What is the lasting impression you want to leave on your students?
Yesterday, after 9.5 years, I taught my last class at a studio in town. I wanted to leave the students with a teaching that would serve them for years to come. And so I left with this:
On Self-Compassion
Have you ever focused on that one tiny negative thing in the sea of positives? Or have you ever been struggling and then gone the extra mile to add in self judgement? If so, then you exactly how I felt.
For the Tender Hearted in Troubling Times
With all that has been happening in our country in the last two weeks my tender heart has taken a beating. I've unconsciously upped my game in self-care and thought I'd share with you the things that have worked for me.
2016 Take Aways
I am literally a different - more alive, powerful, empowered person on this side of 2016 because of the work I did and the people who worked with me.
A feeling of Completeness
What I'm noticing as one of the most remarkable feelings I'm having leaving this program is a feeling of completeness.