{Video} Naturally Aligned: Honor the Slump
A video clip from me talking about honoring the natural down shift in energy that happens for all of us in the late afternoon.
Women's Wisdom
And the question came: Where are the women? Where are the women's ways? What did and do the women know that has not come along with that lineage?
Shakti Loves Chocolate
But the reality is that this is one of the ways Shakti has of helping us to Open. And goodness knows, this is way more enjoyable than grief and anger. I mean, if opening can come with pleasure, joy and delight, I will take that any day.
{Poem} Questions and Answers
How can we have the question if there is too much noise to hear it?
How can we hear anything if we never become Quiet?
A Day at the Beach (or Magic really Happens)
During dinner my uncle yelled out: "Rainbow!" We all hopped up and ran to the window.
A Very Tiny Boat
It is like being a very small boat out on a wide deep ocean. Like I am this tiny thing trying to navigate the vastness of the ocean of love and healing that I do know is available and is real and is just beneath me, waiting, waiting. It keeps trying to pierce the shell around my heart.
{VIDEO} What are you filling yourself up with?
We share from the overflow... so what are you overflowing with?
Are you Blocking your Blessings?
The workings of the Universe seems mysterious... I advocate removing as many blocks as you can within yourself and seeing what happens. I encourage you to shift your perspective on your so-called problems.
Listen up!
Here is someone that I value very much in my life. Someone I want to continue to get to know and to have know me. And how do I show him that I value what he has to say? I talk over him every time he opens his mouth. Gee Wiz girl. I'm pretty embarrassed.
Sound of Silence
Your path to quiet may be meditation. It could be painting. It could be dancing. Your path to quiet could be sitting under a tree, or by a river, or the ocean. It might be cooking or cleaning or folding the laundry. Your path to quiet is your own.
Believing is in the Body
Can I say that I BELIEVE this too? The way that I believe my body steered me into healing old trauma, my body can be a vehicle to transcendent experiences. Can I believe that my body can be an access point into the unseen, to deep layers of knowing, to community with beings my path has not yet crossed? Or was I just visualizing?
I felt a Pop
Exhale, Exhale , deeper and deeper... Then a Pop! Did I hear that or feel it or just imagine it?
Why I teach with a Theme
When I take a well-themed class I get the chance to remember and recollect some forgotten part of myself. I walk away feeling more whole than when I went in. The themes help us to remember.
Please don't let your Ego Strangle your Soul
Your soul is EVERYthing. Your soul holds the key to your ultimate peace and enjoyment of life on this planet. Your soul's work needs to be done and it will be restless and undermining until you get sick --- or get on it.
My Daughter is Watching
In a moment of not even realizing that what I was doing was REVOLUTIONARY for me, I simply slipped the pants off and reached for another pair, one that I knew would fit and feel good.
Friday Morning
This morning I'm blogging from my bed while my 2-year-old is sitting in the next room with my iPhone watching YouTube. I'm having one of those "yeah, I'm an awesome parent" moments.
On Teaching
I've been thinking a lot lately about the craft of teaching yoga. Not the skills or knowledge I'm hoping to impart to the students, but the craft of how I'm sharing what I know. The following thoughts came to me and it is something I'd like to fully live into:
Shining Bright
I spent the last week in New England as an apprentice in the 200-hr Ashaya Yoga Teacher Training run by my longtime teacher, Todd Norian. I want to end at that sentence because it made my heart, mind, body and spirit so incredibly happy and peaceful to be there, that's all I really have to say.
Only, actually there is more.