
Dancing with Life

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Surf the Waves of Emotions

Life is giving us all big waves to ride right now. If you’re having a hard time with it, ask yourself if you’re trying to control the ocean, or if you're letting yourself ride the waves.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Finding Peace with your Time: Pandemic Edition

If you’re stressing about not doing enough to save the world, or improve yourself you might think that the way you’re spending your time is what’s stressing you out. And you might think that if you change what you’re doing with your time, you’ll feel more peaceful. But, the secret is that peace comes when you are ok with what you’re doing - no matter what it is.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

It's time to Wake Up

No matter where you fall in the midst of the pandemic (and I’m praying for your health above all) you can either go to sleep or you can use this time to wake up. It’s that simple.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Root to Rise

One thing I’ve learned in both coaching and yoga is that if you want to go up, you’ve got to go down first. If you want to RISE you have to ROOT.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

A Loving Practice for a Hard World

When you’re a person who doesn’t want to be oriented towards hate and you live in that world, it can feel scary, exhausting, disheartening, and frustrating. It’s hard on sensitive souls who are trying to turn towards Love, peace, and non-violence to be confronted with a hate-filled environment. … But the only language the Heart speaks is Love

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

The Power of Practice

My alarm goes off every morning at 6:10. By 6:16 I am in my home office with the door closed, wrapped in a shawl. I bow to the four directions, then bow to my ancestors and teachers, then to my descendants and students. Then I am on my meditation cushion with eyes closed for the next 20 minutes.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Progress not Perfection

When I read my resolutions from 2010 I was shocked. That’s because 10 years later I could easily have made the EXACT SAME ONES. I have not mastered any of them. Shifting to a progress not perfection mindset really helps!

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Solstice Invitation

I invite Darkness to cover me like a warm blanket

to wrap my bones and allow me to rest

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Have a Non-Doing Holiday Season

The challenge is to stay connected to what you value even while the rest of the world shouts about what you “should” be doing.  It’s hard not to let yourself be pulled toward shiny objects.  AND it’s really hard to forgive yourself and recover quickly when you inevitably lose your way…… So, What can you do to stay connected to what’s important?

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Start NOW!

It’s December. Every year for as long as I can remember I’ve spent December in a rush trying to get everything done for the holidays. And every year in the process I slowly drop more and more of my own self-care. This year I’m making a commitment NOT to do that……

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Shine On, Bright One

We’ve all been taught to hold back. We’ve been told not to brag, not to bring attention to ourselves, not to show off or show other people up.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Harvest and Burn

Fire is warmth. Fire is heat. Fire is light in the darkness. And fire transforms. Take the broom and sweep through your mind and your life. Gather the debris and feed it to your fire. Deadwood burns best. So find the parts that aren’t working and burn them away.

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