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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Lessons from 20 years on the mat: #5 There is MORE

What I recognized in the yoga teachings is the something MORE that I experienced as a child. The language was different, but the experience was the same. I’m talking about an intelligence in the Universe that has nothing to do with book smarts…..

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Do the thing!

You know what nourishes your soul — it’s time to DO it already

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

What You DON'T Need for Yoga

If you’ve ever been intimidated to come to yoga because of fancy poses and bendy people, this post is for you. Let nothing keep you from your practice.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Unstick your Bliss

The yoga works in mysterious ways. Ways I can’t begin to comprehend or try to control. Sometimes just the right combination of words and postures and community; rest and activity and Grace come along and the crimped, contracted, collapsed stone barrier gets its top blown right off. That’s the Mystery

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

The Trust you need if you want be the True You

A lot of us hiders think that we shouldn’t come out of hiding until we’re completely sure that the ones around us are trustworthy. It’s as if we could guarantee a positive response to our true selves. You may be surprised at who you really need to trust….

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Don’t Let Everybody Tell you What to do

Why is it that when someone we know tells us face-to-face to do something we get angry but we’re totally willing to allow the rest of the world to tell us what to do all the time? Every time you hold yourself back because you’re worried about how others will react, you’re letting someone tell you what to do…. here’s how to stop doing that.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

When you ignore your body...

It’s so built in to our culture to brush aside the needs and sensations of the body that most of us don’t even realize that we’re doing it. There’s a big side effect that comes with ignoring your body and it explains why I couldn’t listen to my son until I took care of myself.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

When did You Last Touch the Earth?

We live in a kind of “anxiety-soup” where our worries run unchecked. If you want to turn away from “anxiety-soup” so you can live with peace and calm, you’ve got to find the ground beneath you.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

worry keeping you muted? Here’s what to do

If you’re worried about other people’s thoughts then you’re not centered in yourself. Your energy is going out instead of staying in. Your body knows what your mind doesn’t; that you’ll be more confident and peaceful if you get centered.

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Sarah Fischer Sarah Fischer

Take off your Invisibility Cloak

Are you hiding from others under a Harry Potter style invisibility cloak? It’s time to come out and share your magic. Here are some simple ways to get started.

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