How to Get Affirmations to Work
When you’re struggling to make affirmations work, consider where your affirmation is coming from and learn to make them yourself
Get in Front of Your Magic
You have this natural Magic inside you .. but how do you access it? Here’s a suggestion to help bring your Magic into your life more regularly.
Don't Stop Dreaming
When you start to dream big sometimes self-doubt kicks in and keeps you playing small. Here’s an idea for how to listen to your doubt but not let it stop you….
Thoughts on Love from A Visiting Poet
When I didn’t have time to write a full post this week - I went looking for inspiration in poetry. Read On
To Trust Your Inner Teacher
When you’re trapped always trying to do things the “right” way it’s like being locked in a cage. Freedom comes when you learn to ask questions … and listen for your own inner guidance for your answers.
You Can't Make Yourself Whole
For those who feel broken or incomplete this post reminds you why you feel that way… and gives you a way back to your innate wholeness.
Don’t Let Comparison Steal your Joy
Comparison steals our joy and brings up self-doubt almost as soon as it begins. In this post I share a way to support yourself when you're caught in comparison.
Yoga for your Mind
Did you ever notice how when you close your eyes at the beginning of yoga class your mind gets really loud? It’s important to pay attention to what you’re thinking… because it has a lot to do with how you feel and how you act. How conscious are you???
Is Your Comfort Zone a little TOO Comfortable?
It’s easy to get very comfortable doing life the same way every day… but comfort zones bring complacency. Add some adventure to your yoga practice as a way to stretch yourself and get out of your comfort zone.
To the One Feeling LOST
Can you ever truly be lost? Yes you can lose your direction on a crowded street. But can you lose YOU?
To the one in the Beginning of a Change
When life comes in and offers uninvited change it’s easy to lose a sense of yourself. Trust that this is part of the process. Before you know it you’ll arrive at the next version of yourself.
How to Stay Centered when Stress is Building Up
It can feel inevitable that you’ll lose your cool when stress is building up. It can feel impossible to consider that you could be different. So what does it take to NOT let stress take you out of your center? Read on for a mindfulness based approach to keeping centered even when you’re stressed
Why Being Mindful and Authentic is so Hard & What to do About It
Have you been trying to be mindful or be authentic? If so, you’ve probably found out it’s easier to think about than to do. That could be because you’re trying to do it alone… maybe it’s time to find a teacher
Wanna "Be Present"? Come to your Senses
They’re calling you - - Do you hear? Do you smell? Can you taste? Do you see? Can you feel? Are you anchored in this moment? If not, read on for a simple way to be more present and feel more alive.
Distracted by Your Shadow
IF you’re getting caught up and stuck in what’s going on around you you might be distracted by your shadow. Let some of that go and get on with making connections in your life.
Frozen in the face of Decision
Standing frozen in the face of a big decision the mind will take you in circles and keep you away from your heart’s knowing. What’s needed if you want to be able to finally choose to align with your deepest Truth