Failure is an Option
Maybe the reason you’re not starting on your next creative project is that you’re worried you might fail. Read on to see if that’s actually a good reason to stop yourself.
YES! Your Creativity is Important Right Now
With so much going on in the world right now it’s easy to think that creativity is frivolous and unimportant. In reality your creativity is building a buffer zone, getting you into a flow state, helping your process, and empowering you as a creator.
Yoga & Creativity: A Brief Discussion
When your mind is constantly worrying and your body is in pain it’s hard for you to be creative. The contraction inside is so strong that creativity is squeezed away. Yoga can help….
Is Your Creativity Last on Your To-Do List?
Your creative time is not a treat that you have to earn. Your creativity is essential to your consciousness and joy. It’s time to move it up your to-do list.
Everything Runs Together and What to Do About It
School, work, parenting, and living are all happening at once and in the same place. It feels messy. Life feels like a big run on sentence. Living this way is disorienting (what day is it again?) and stressful. So what can you do to help?
Living on the Surface? A Way Back to the Deeper Part of Yourself.
You know the different between living on a surface level and living from a deeper place inside of yourself. But do you know how to get there?
A Soft Approach to Overwhelm
When you get overwhelmed you may start to ask yourself: How am I going to do this? How can I cope and handle all of these changes when I’m already stretched thin by pandemic living? Try this softer approach…
Yoga & Desire: A Brief Discussion
Yoga that is pointing you back to the Heart, uses Heart’s desire as a kind of roadmap. Follow them backwards and you’ll eventually enter the Heart space.
Go beyond "I don't know how"
It’s not helpful when the first thing your brain does when you connect with your heart’s desire is to say: “But, I don’t know how”. When you’re stuck thinking you don’t know how try asking yourself these three questions
What You Want Matters -- Notes on Desire
Heartfelt desire is like a compass needle pointing you home to what is healing for you. True desire points you in the direction of joy health and connection. But many women have lost touch with their desires.
Why we need yoga right now
Even without a pandemic, we will experience times in our lives where it feels like the rug is pulled out from under us. When that happens it’s easy to lose connection with yourself. Yoga can help
Give yourself Permission
You don’t have to wait until you go on vacation to give yourself permission to do what you want to do. You could do it today, but chances are, you won’t.
When You Stop Your Creativity Before You Even Start
Letting your focus get ahead of you is a sure way to slow or stop your creative process. And then you miss out on the joy of a rich creative life. T
Stuck in your head? Get Reconnected
If you’re feeling disconnected - like a bodiless head it can be hard to figure out what’s going on . Maybe what you’re experiencing is a disconnect between your mind and your body.
Why Can't I do it? Making Time for your Practices
We tell ourselves that the reason we’re not practicing yoga, or engaging creatively is that we don’t have the time. But when the time is available - we still don’t do it. It’s pretty clear that time is not actually the issue.
Has your Yoga been Hijacked?
If start talking negatively about yourself just because you didn’t get a yoga pose, somewhere along the way your mind hijacked your yoga practice.
Love asks more than Fear
LOVE asks more from me than Fear ever will. Love is not passive. There are a lot of times when really Loving requires action. In the past few weeks of listening and learning, Love has been showing me my next steps -
Make Space to Integrate
Return to your practices and your creativity if they've dropped away. Let them clear space so that you can be present for and integrate your learning and your life.
How to really "transform" yourself
Don’t you just wish you could wave a magic wand and transform into a new person sometimes? Maybe that’s the real problem
A question for when you feel negative
Sometimes we walk around with a mile-long list of complaints against life. Other times it’s a global feeling of negativity. This question cuts through both.